Thursday, 19 June 2008

Getting your priorities all wrong

The trade unions are making lots of noise about the effect inflation is having on recent pay deals they've struck - which speaks volumes about their priorities when it comes to low paid women members (who make up the bulk of the public sector workforce).

The media is full of quotes from the likes of Unison's Dave Prentis - with dire threats about strike action as inflation reaches 3.3% and is predicted to rise to well over 4% by the end of this year.

Recent pay deals - such as the recent NHS agreement worth 8% over 3 years - won't now keep pace with inflation, so union members will see their standard of living fall - and the reputation of union negotiators will take a big hit.

But the real scandal is that strike action over the odd percentage point is small beer - compared to the vast sums that many women union members have lost - as a result of unequal pay over the past 10 years.

The facts are that:
  1. Many female dominated jobs are paid much less than their male colleagues
  2. The pay gap is enormous - up to 50% in some cases - with women workers being paid up to £3.00 an hour less than men
  3. The unions have known about the pay gap all this time - and have let the employers get away with murder
So, all the talk about going to the barricades over a percentage point - here or there - is simply mad when you consider that low paid women members have been losing out hand over fist - for the past decade and more.

An example of an equal pay claim for a woman council worker on full-time hours would be: £3.00 per hour x 37 hours x 52 weeks x 6 years (back pay) = £34,632 + interest!!

So, why hasn't the huge pay gap with male council workers excited the interest of the trade unions all these years? A very good question.

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