Saturday, 18 October 2008

News from Enfield

Enfield Council has got its manual workers up in arms.

Apparently the council has gone back on a promise to make settlement offers to all manual grades – but now only supervisory staff will now benefit.

Not surprisingly, this has down very badly with the bulk of the cleaning and catering staff – as well as home carers and many others - who have perfectly good and equal pay claims.

According to local reports, the council is planning to bring in new terms and conditions – which means a change of contract for all existing staff.

But the council is also putting word about that people will be sacked if they don’t sign – and that the new contract will contain a clause that prevents anyone from pursuing an equal pay claim.

The truth is - this is all propaganda and nonsense.

First of all, no one will lose their job or be sacked over a change of contract – the existing contract may be terminated and replaced by a new one – but everyone will still be doing the same job they’re doing today – albeit under different terms and conditions.

So, don’t be bullied into doing what the council wants you to do – giving up your claim - on the basis of silly rumours.

Secondly, if the council is going to force through new terms and conditions – you’d be made not to bang in a claim for equal pay – because that way at least you’ll protect your right to 6 years back pay and compensation.

Leave things until after a change of contract has taken place – and you may not find that as easy.

The unions, as usual, are doing the employer’s dirty work – instead of standing up for their women members.

So, our advice to Enfield employees is clear – the best way to protect your interests is to register an equal pay claim with the employment tribunals – change of contract or no change of contract.

And the sooner you act the better!

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